visual identity collection, including a style sheet, logo examples, original illustration, mobile phone mockup, and business card
April 2021

Caught in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent much of 2020 and 2021 figuring out what I enjoyed making and why. As a reflective exercise, I produced a brand identity for myself, including a redesign of the landing page for the website you find yourself in now. There are many elements of the site you are reading this on that no longer fit with who I am as a person or as a creative.

When I first made this white-cube site, I had no idea what I was doing. It had been six years since I’d taken an art class, and a sudden interest in design took me out of advanced math courses and plopped me down right next to people with far more experience at being “creative.” These were undergraduate students with full design and/or art portfolios when they were accepted. I was a transfer from the psych department. It was time to catch up, so up this site went, quick and dirty, to be updated and improved over time.

This site has done its job well, but as I near the end of my undergraduate education and start to become more aware of my own work as it renews and evolves, I need something more. . .well, more ME. This visual identity is the first step toward that.